Greater reliability thanks to binding online booking
If customers pay online when they book their appointment, they are much more reliable when it comes to keeping the agreed appointment. Payment increases the commitment of the booked appointment. Customers are less likely to not show up for their appointment or cancel at short notice because they have already invested. This significantly reduces appointment-related sales losses.
Secure and timely payment upon booking
Payment for the booked service can be easily processed when booking the appointment using an online payment option. This means that revenue is secure and will not be lost if customers do not show up for their appointment. In addition, the money is available immediately and does not have to be collected first.
Convenient payment process and time savings for your customers
Customers don't have to pay extra at the appointment thanks to online payment, saving them time and effort. Payment can be made conveniently in advance at home on a computer or smartphone. Different payment methods make the process flexible and convenient. As a company, you also save time, as the payment process no longer has to be processed on site or afterwards.